Prestige Group under its corporate responsibility programme supports the Blue November movement which outlines the importance of prevention concerning prostate cancer. Various awareness campaigns are held every year around the world for the importance of early diagnosis of the disease and the correlation of a healthy lifestyle as a preventive factor.
Prostate Cancer is a very serious disease and is the second most common type of cancer in men worldwide. November is the month of encouragement for the male population to take care of their health and to have a prostate exam, PSA test. The PSA test is a simple blood test where the concentration of prostate-specific antigen in the blood is measured and is the main test method for prostate cancer.
A healthy lifestyle in combination with yearly examinations can save lives. We got some tips from doctors and nutritionists and we highly recommend the below:
Add to your diet lots of fruits and vegetables, give preference to grains and cereals, eat a healthy and balanced diet. Practice physical activities daily, walking and swimming are a great form of exercise. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. Most importantly, men who are over 50 should have a prostate exam regularly and if they have a family history they should start at the age of 40.
More than 1.3 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. In many countries, more men die from prostate cancer than women die from breast cancer.
We need to address this issue and we must push for awareness. In Europe recent studies indicate the problems that people with prostate cancer face: late diagnosis, treatment inconsistencies, poor quality of life and lack of information and support. At Prestige we raise our voices for better programmes and improved diagnosis, higher treatment standards, better quality of life and after treatments and the creation of support groups.
As active supporter of social initiatives, Prestige Group consistently supports corporate social responsibility actions, aiming to improve our lives and the society we live in, men and women alike.
Find out more about prostate cancer at